We’re always in progress. Here is where inspiration takes root, the ideas are born and the reality begins to reveal itself.

Details from site – We enjoy the contrast between traditional and modern elements and the contrast this creates within the houses we design….these lovely terracotta tiles from @ecooutdoor provide beautiful colour and texture and help ground this new home in its Federation Era context of inner city Perth…. #chindarsiarchitects #innercitylife #urbaninfill #perth #smalllot #sitemeeting #newinperth #herringbonepattern #ecooutdoor #terracotta #flushsill

Details from site – We enjoy the contrast between traditional and modern elements and the contrast this creates within the houses we design….these lovely terracotta tiles from @ecooutdoor provide beautiful colour and texture and help ground this new home in its Federation Era context of inner city Perth…. #chindarsiarchitects #innercitylife #urbaninfill #perth #smalllot #sitemeeting #newinperth #herringbonepattern #ecooutdoor #terracotta #flushsill

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