Published on in Friends and Colleagues, We are writing to urge you to support Open House Perth. Open House Perth has given first-hand experience of good design to over 300,000 visitors. It has an active social media audience of over 25,000 people, growing annually at 25%. It is an invaluable and far reaching promotion of the architectural profession. It enables the general public to experience quality design first-hand and boosts the profile of the profession. Open House Perth is struggling for survival. While times are tough for all of us, now is the time to invest in the future. Please join us by committing as a member, sponsor or donor to keep Open House alive. Please consider that of Open House Perth visitors: · 50% responded they were more likely to hire an Architect, · 90% intended to refer friends, family and work colleagues to the event. · Retained up to 50% sponsor recognition The ability to grow our profession and quality of design in our city depends on building the community’s appreciation of the value of great design and the essential role of the architect. Please act – commit as a member, sponsor or donor to this important annual event. Visit the Open house Perth website for details on how you can help. Yours Sincerely, Joe Chindarsi, Sam Klopper, and Meaghan WhiteFull resolution (640 × 640)