We’re always in progress. Here is where inspiration takes root, the ideas are born and the reality begins to reveal itself.

I’m so proud of our Team @chindarsiarchitects win at this year’s AIA Awards on Friday night! Harvey Residence, Beaconsfield picked up an Award For Residential Architecture – Houses (Alterations & Additions). Special thanks to our amazing clients John & Erica, and @cassarigroup for their attention to detail through the build. #awardwinningteam #aiaawards2017 #proudmoments

I’m so proud of our Team @chindarsiarchitects win at this year’s AIA Awards on Friday night! Harvey Residence, Beaconsfield picked up an Award For Residential Architecture – Houses (Alterations & Additions). Special thanks to our amazing clients John & Erica, and @cassarigroup for their attention to detail through the build. #awardwinningteam #aiaawards2017 #proudmoments

Reposted from Instagram