55957893_369548850438444_6860367684117977184_n Published on 06.01.22 in Postcards from site – Artwork extended: The steel framing is up ready to receive printed glass artwork panels which will extend and feather @kylehughesodgers artwork up into privacy screening to the roof terrace….coming to a laneway near you! #chindarsiarchitects #perth #westernaustralia #welovewa #perthlife #thisiswa #localdesign #newinperth #highgatewa #copperroof #lanewayart #publicart #kylehughesodgers #privacyglassFull resolution (1080 × 1021) Postcards from site – Artwork extended: The steel framing is up ready to receive printed glass artwork panels which will extend and feather @kylehughesodgers artwork up into privacy screening to the roof terrace….coming to a laneway near you!