Infinite detail….countless golden Garudas stand guard encircling the pedestal of the Temple of the Emerald Buddha…a beautiful fusion of art, religion and mythology… #travellingarchitect #ideasilike #watprakaew #templeguardians #goldengaruda Posted by Joe,16.06.19 Reposted from Instagram Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on LinkedIn Share via Email
The unmistakably graceful silhouette of the traditional Thai timber house…the steeply sloping roofs help shed water quickly away, and the homes are typically raised up on stilts to protect from flooding. The result is perfectly adapted to the local tropical climate #ideasilike #vernacularhouses #climateadaptedhousing #thaihouse #jimthompsonhouse Posted by Joe,14.06.19 Reposted from Instagram Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on LinkedIn Share via Email