Tag Archives: kylehughesodgers

Postcards from site – Artwork extended: The steel framing is up ready to receive printed glass artwork panels which will extend and feather @kylehughesodgers artwork up into privacy screening to the roof terrace….coming to a laneway near you! #chindarsiarchitects #perth #westernaustralia #welovewa #perthlife #thisiswa #localdesign #newinperth #highgatewa #copperroof #lanewayart #publicart #kylehughesodgers #privacyglass

Reposted from Instagram

Postcards from site – Artwork extended: The steel framing is up ready to receive printed glass artwork panels which will extend and feather @kylehughesodgers artwork up into privacy screening to the roof terrace….coming to a laneway near you! #chindarsiarchitects #perth #westernaustralia #welovewa #perthlife #thisiswa #localdesign #newinperth #highgatewa #copperroof #lanewayart #publicart #kylehughesodgers #privacyglass

Postcards from site - Artwork extended:  The steel framing is up ready to receive printed glass artwork panels which will extend and feather @kylehughesodgers artwork up into privacy screening to the roof terrace....coming to a laneway near you!

Reposted from Instagram

Thank you for your continued commitment and support over the last year! Chindarsi Architects will be closing from Noon on the 21st of December 2018, and reopening on the 2nd of January 2019. Joe will of course be contactable on his mobile and via email for any urgent matters. From all of us here, we wish you the very best for the festive season, and look forward to much happiness and health in 2019 for you and your family! Joe, Stephanie, Whye, Brad, Matthew, Nick & Ben @chindarsiarchitects #christmaswishes2018 #happynewyear2019 #newinperth #renovations #federationrenovation #modernistdesign #copperstandingseam #architectureperth #lanewayart #kylehughesodgers #highgatewa #awardwinningarchitecture #awardwinningarchitects

Reposted from Instagram