We’re always in progress. Here is where inspiration takes root, the ideas are born and the reality begins to reveal itself.

Tranby House (Peninsula Farm) is one of the few surviving buildings from the old Swan River Colony…you can see its age by the size of the magnificent oak tree that's still going strong…#tranbyhouse #ideasilike #farmhousetree #oldoaktree #treesandbuildings #maylands #perthisok #thisiswa #perthheritage #colonialarchitecture #swanrivercolony #peninsulafarm

Tranby House (Peninsula Farm) is one of the few surviving buildings from the old Swan River Colony…you can see its age by the size of the magnificent oak tree that's still going strong…#tranbyhouse #ideasilike #farmhousetree #oldoaktree #treesandbuildings #maylands #perthisok #thisiswa #perthheritage #colonialarchitecture #swanrivercolony #peninsulafarm

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